Friday, September 24, 2010

Part V Ludi Romani Magna Circenses12Sept2010: SEMIFINALS A Modernized Roman Fiction


L. Iulia Aquila omnibus civibus S.P.D.

Welcome to the SEMIFINALS!!!!!

This day of the Ludi, 12Sept2010 is dedicated to APOLLO.

Welcome Quirites, Socii, Peregrinisque to the Ludi Romani 2010! A spectacular Pompa was witnessed this day, citizens and guests alike seeking healing for themselves and loved ones. They brought and also purchased amulets and talismans and left messages and offerings at shrines along the way! Today is a day of promise with clear blue skies overhead; the crowds are hopeful and excited, the entertainment even more colorful.
Now the ritual to Apollo commences.
The call for silentum is issued.

Sacrum Apolloni Medico
“Hail Apollo Medicus and hail You immortal Gods ! Come, come (Gods), take in this ceremony, and protect it!
Apollo, we ask and beseech You, we beg and pray to You so that You may confirm, strengthen and help the Republic of the People of Nova Roman, the Quirites, so that You save the Republic of the People of Nova Roman, the Quirites, from all discord, illness, dissension and wrongdoing; so that the Republic of the People of Nova Roman, Quirites, may always flourish and prosper; so that You may keep away all illnesses visible and invisible; and that You allow all events to be good and salutary to the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the Republic of the People of Nova Roman, the Quirites; and that you put an end to the controversy that is ongoing between the Nova Roman citizens.
Apollo, by offering you this incense I pray good prayers so that You may be benevolent and propitious to the People of Nova Roma, the Quirites, to the Republic of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites, to the Collegium Pontificum and to the Collegium Augurum, to our Vestals and sacerdotes, to us, to our households, our homes and to our families.
Apollo, when offering incense to You I have prayed good prayers, for the very same reason may You be blessed and strengthened by this small portion of wine.
For these reasons, Blessed One, by offering this wine, by offering this incense, by offering this libum be benevolent and propitious to the People of Nova Roma, the Quirites, to the Republic of the People of Nova Roman, the Quirites, to the Collegium Pontificum and to the Collegium Augurum, to our Vestals and sacerdotes, to us, to our households, our homes and to our families.
“No more, Gods on High, do I ask of You today; it is enough.”
“Thus it is done. May all the Gods above and below always love you and wish you happiness in all that is good.”
“May the immortal Gods make it so, as fortunate as it is pious.”

IVLIA: Good Morning once again and welcome to the first semi-final of the Ludi Romani 2010!  It is a crisp cool morning, spirits are high, the stands are packed! I am Julia Aquila, your commentator this morning and with me in the broadcasting box is V. Herminius Aquilinus who has been making quite a hit at the various parties since his return to Rome and who will be once again reporting the race for us today. The crowd is rushing about procuring last minute food and drink before the first semifinal race begins.
The agitatores for this most important race are finishing with their preparations and attending to last minute task: they are rechecking their harnesses, chariots, wheels and horses.
The chariots are absolutely gleaming and pristine, the agitatores impressive in their colors, the quadrigae lively and frisky!
The troika are making their way around the track in this lively procession, wreaths adorn the steeds and the agitatores are truly stars this morning, waving and smiling! 
Competing in the first Race in post position is the Drunas driven by Nervia for the Albatae owned by Consul Albucius, second is the sky blue Tempestas Noctis driven by the tall crimson haired Nicodemus the Thracian for the Venetae owned by St. Cornelia Æternia, in third is the Consul’s other chariot, Luxogenes driven by Eporicus, my personal favorite, for the Albatae and finally the Fulminata driven by the handsome Gaul Lucius Furius for the Venetae owned by A. Vitellius Celsus.

Many Thanks go to the Herminii for the wonderful and well tended buffet in the commentators’ box and also for providing the feasts and endless refreshments for today’s special quarterfinal!

*moves to the edge of the skybox and watches as Placidus prepares to start the race, the noise raises in a deafening wave from the spectators and Iulia repeats a familiar phrase*

They have arrived back at the ostia are in position in the carceres.

The trumpets sound the signal, Aedilis Placidus drops the mappa to the ground; the ostia are sprung!

Missi sunt currus! 

They're off!

VITVS: Yes they are off and they are moving down the track at an even pace, in a cloud of red sand as they make the first turn; Luxogenes in the lead with the Tempestas Noctis on his heels, the Fulminata and the Drunas do not appear in any hurry. As the dolphin turns into the second lap it is White, Blue, White, Blue and crowd is cheering their favorites on. The quadrigae thunder through the second lap and maintain position into the third lap with Luxogenes getting too close to the spina for comfort.
Look at that! *crowds rise in their seats!* Drunas is pulling ahead and nearly makes the Tempestas Noctis lose control! Drunas is in first and we nearly lose track of the Fulminata as it had followed quickly but nearly hidden by the Drunas’ dust!
As the Dolphin is turned into the fourth lap the order has changed omnes! It’s the Drunas in first, then the Fulminata a close second, a nose behind, followed by Tempestas Noctis and at their heels is the Luxogenes!
Consul Albucius has left his skybox and has been escorted to the center of the track! A dangerous maneuver, but who can blame him!
The Tempestas Noctis goes wide on the outside, the steeds in a full lather as Nicodemus pushes them into first place!                                                                                                                                                Hope the hot-walkers are ready for that team!
 Pounding down the last stretch Luxogenes *Julia jumps up and down trying to suppress an excited screech* and he just might surpass the Tempestas Noctis in a final upset!
But No!
It is Tempestas Noctis by a hair in first place, followed by the Consul’s Luxogenes in second, the Drunas is third and the Fulminata is last.


JVLIA: Oh the excitement is in the air as we break for the intermessio, the mimes and musicians are piling onto the field, the acrobats on horse back and the jugglers, actors and orators are claiming their space and audience as thousands upon thousands of people stream down from the stands to partake of the free feast!
In addition to the generosity of the Herminii, The Consuls will be providing all the wine one can drink during the intermessio!

*Maria Caeca escorted by Hermannus (whose wife is in the infirmary), Balbus Gallus Hilarius, Cardia Clodia Concha escorted by Consul Albucius, Faustus Fannius Felix and Poppaea Solin Felicita, dear friend of Julia and Maria and a well known noble patron of the arts and Roman socialite, escorted by Consul Quintilianus accompanied by four Praetorians arrive in the spacious skybox to wait out the intermessio and to enjoy a special feast*

VITVS: *ambles over to Julia, towering above her and bends to her ear, his heated breath washing over her the sensitive ivory flesh sending chills down her spine then he speaks just loud enough for all to hear* Note the Praetorians, mea voluptas unica, to keep our Consuls from each other’s throats.

*before anyone can comment, the crowd begins to laugh, howl and hoot and they all look to the center of the big screen at a familiar sight… The Consuls rush down to the scene, the Praetorians swiftly in pursuit, speaking into their blue-tooths barking orders for other guards to meet them below*


INTERMISSIO Scene II brought to us by ©C. Maria Caeca in its entirety (Scene 1 is found in Part III Ludi Romani Magna)

Scene II
*Scene: in the background you can the crowds roaring .and some occasional words. "Greeks" Parthians" "Carthaginians!" several citizens come on stage, yelling.*
1st citizen: "they want to kill the Greeks!"
2nd citizen: "No, the Parthans!"
3rd citizen: "Idiots, the Carthaginians"
4th: "We're Greeks!"
5th citizen: "Who are we, anyway?"
All: "Idiot!" *they begin to brawl.*
*Fantasia comes back, tunica torn, barely covering her decently, hair unbound and whipping in the breeze*
Fantasia: I *must* find the Magician! I need to ask him something!
Ragus awakens slowly: "what what .what did the Great Ones do to me?" Ah! I've been transported! This is Tartarus! We're all in Tartarus, and we're all
All: No! We're all Greek! We'll Parthian! We're Carthaginian!
Fantasia: I don't *like* Parthians!"
 *Enter Senators:*
Sen. 1. Are we in compliance?
Sen. 2.: With what?
Sen. 1: with anything? Anywhere?
All: Uh, dunno!
Sen. 2: Where, in NR law, does it say that Greeks, Parthians or Carthaginians are bad and must be destroyed? Please be specific.
Sen. 3: I don't know, but we beat the stuffings out of Carthage, so maybe we think *they* are.
Sen. . Nope, we just think *they* are gone.
*Crowd gets larger, brawl gets louder and more exuberant.*
*The 2 Consuls are seen standing on the steps of a temple, arguing.*
Consul 2. "this is *your* fault! I *told* you not to provide free wine, now look at this mess!
Consul 1: No! this is *your* fault! You didn't stop these rumors when you could have!
 *Ragus crawls up the steps:* Oh, mighty consuls! You must make sacrifices to the gods to prevent our terrible fate! I'll start them for you.
*spills some wine on pavement, and splashes consul 1's toga*.
Oops, I didn't mean to give the gods *that* much!
*lifts wine skin, takes long drink, chokes.*
Consul 1: Ce qui est celui?
Fantasia: Oh, dear gods! The Gauls have invaded us .and we are being ruled by a Gaul! Woe is us!
*to Ragus* give me that!
*Grabs for wine skin, he pulls it away from her, trips, and sits down, abruptly*.
*Sound of police whistles. Enter members of the Praetora, with lictors.*
Praetorian Quaestor: "Lictors! Lictors! Get this mess cleaned up! I won't have this kind of behavior in the City!
Scriba 1: Ello, ello! What's this, then? What's this?
Scriba 2: *a dignified Matrona: grabs Fantasia by the hair and hauls her to her feet*
Shame on you! You're an absolute mess!
*the Scriba retrieves pins from hidden places in her tunica, and begins to pin Fantasia's tunica together* I must make you at least *appear* decent!
Fantasia: Ouch! You're sticking me with pins!
Crowd: A witch! A witch! She's using pins!
*Female scriba, muttering imprecations under her breath:* "Oh, be *QUIET* all of you! You are a disgrace to the name of Roman citizen!"
*A young priest strides into the square, takes one look at the malay, and says in a carrying voice:* Citizens! Stop this fighting! These are the
sacred games, where we honor the gods, and you are not behaving like the brothers and sisters you truly are!
Voice from crowd: Make us, priest.
*Young priest sighs.* As you wish.
*enters malay, starts grabbing combatants by the scruff of their necks, and tosses them away from one another, creating a path through the mob as he goes.* You *will* learn to get along! You *will* learn to love one another! You *will* learn to honor the goddess Concordia!
 *Behind him, the mob comes back together, and continues fighting. The priest comes face to face with Ragus, and stops.* Uh .who are .you?????
Ragus: The mighty magician and philosopher Ragus, at your service. Want some of this wine?
Priest: No, thank you. My friend, you should go, now, to the baths, I think. You'll feel so much better. I'll help you.
Ragus: I just need more wine. Help me by getting me more wine, and I'll intercede with the Great ones so they won't kill you.
Priest: Kill me? Who wants to kill me? Looks around, confused. Oh, dear, am I in trouble again?
 *A Peregrinus stands in the entrance of an alley, watching avidly, whispering* "Burn, baby burn! Anybody got a match?
*From over head, the public address system first squeals, then hisses, and finally, the mellifluous voice of the Curule Aedile is heard saying:*
Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats, the races will recommence in 10 minutes.
 All: Race time! All exit, cheering, except Ragus.
Ragus: I tried to tell them, and I *really* need some more wine! Where's that nice girl? I'll ask her to get me some!


POPPAEA SOLIN FELICITA: Good afternoon and welcome back to the final semifinal! It is a beautiful early fall afternoon, a slight warm breeze to take off the chill – but there are no fall colors – blue and white are the colors today! *her laughter is akin to tiny sweet bells* This is Poppaea Solin Felicita and I will be assisting V. Herminius Aquilinus, in any way he needs me to! Domina Julia and Domina Maria will be sitting this one out, as both have entries this race. And there they are! With that handsome tribune Petronius Dexter! He has curls to die for! Be still my heart!

*Vitus laughs gregariously and shakes his head*

*winks at Vitus, then purrs to the crowd* Did you hear that Vitus laugh? If I were him I would consider Petronius competition! *turns to Vitus* Don’t think the gossip about you and my dear friend Domina Julia seals the deal – I’ve know her for a long time…

VITVS: *laughing* I am not too worried; I think I can stand up to the competition – in that arena anyway!

SOLIN FELICITA: *with a wicked biting husky trill, twirls a lot of her strawberry blonde hair* Aw, so you’re saying that you’re the Domina’s horse even if you don’t ever win a race…

VITVS: *his stormy blue eyes flash* There is always next year, this was just practice – I am honored to have such a fine woman even take the slightest interest in me. She’s quite discerning and I hear she only shows interest in champions.

SOLIN FELICITA: *purzzzzzzzz, flirting, looks him up and down* Oh yes, she has always chosen well.

VITVS:*taking the high road, flashes her a grin* In friends as well. *looks on the field and Julia is waves at him, smiling*

SOLIN FELICITA: Why thank you Vitus, *than aside, away from the mike… and sarcastically* maybe when she is done with you we can explore some other options, if there is anything left of you…

VITVS: *leans forward seductively, curls his lips into a smile, a lock of his blonde streaked hair falls lazily forwards, and whispers away from the mike* When the sunrises in Hades I may consider it.

SOLIN FELICITA: *turns away and rolls her eyes, into the mike*
The troika are making their way around the track, one for the last time this Ludi – beautiful wreaths adorn the steeds, the agitatores are dignified and animated; waving and smiling!  This last semi-final is a highly competitive race; in post position is the Ventrus Albus driven by Hermannus of the Albatae owned by Domina Maria Caeca, second is the Vita Brevis driven by the lovely but tough as nails Aiofe of the Silures for the Albatae owned by Senator Marinus *flashes a teasing grin to Vitus*, but on loan to Domina Julia Aquila, in third is Incitatus driven by Stolo for the Venetae and owned by C. Petronius Dexter.
Well omnes they have arrived back at the ostia are in position in the carceres and it appears as though Aedile Julia Aquila is getting ready to start this semifinal race!

The trumpets sound the signal, Aedilis Julia Aquila drops the mappa to the ground!

The ostia are sprung!

Missi sunt currus! 

They're off!

VITUS: It’s Vita Brevis out in front, its quadrigae are rested and their stride is easy and effortless! Hermannus in the Ventrus Albus is staying close to the spina and taking his time, and Stolo in Incitatus is in no hurry either. This almost seems like a training lap compared to earlier races in this Ludi and Incitatus pulls alongside the Vita Brevis on the outside but is making no aggressive actions. As the second dolphin turns the horse are pounding the sand down the first stretch and Incitatus takes the lead and crosses in front of Hermannus close to the spina coming way to close to the Ventrus Alba’s quadrigae making the team shy a bit. Hermannus is not taking it! As they head into the last turn of the second lap he moves to the right squeezing the Vita Brevis further to the outside and thunders around Incitatus nearly making him crash into the spina, Vita Brevis takes advantage of the distraction and takes the lead position as the third dolphin turns and heads down the first stretch of the third lap taking a clear lead on the inside. Stolo and Hermannus are tussling over position! Their wheels have met! *screeching, shouting and cussing ensues from the two male drivers* Incitatus and Ventrus Albus are neck in neck and are veering into each other as they head into the first turn of the final lap! Vita Brevis is already half way down the first stretch of the final lap and Aiofe is not looking back, she is focused and running her race with precise skill and confidence! Hermannus shouts a command to his steeds and the big animals pull away from Incitatus! He is racing towards the final turn but the Vita Brevis has already negotiated it and is on the final stretch! Hermannus is a man on a mission and is pulling alongside the Vita Brevis; they are neck in neck as they head for a blanket finish – a photo finish! *shouts, whistles, confetti, boos fill the circus*
It is Ventrus Albus driven by Hermannus of the Albatae owned by Domina Maria Caeca in first place by a hair! Vita Brevis driven Aiofe of the Silures for the Albatae owned by Senator Marinus, on loan to Domina Julia Aquila is a close second and Ludi Novi Romani champion Incitatus driven by Stolo for the Venetae and owned by C. Petronius Dexter is in last place and disqualified for the finals!

SOLIN FELICITA: We will see you all tomorrow night for the final race!
*turns the mike off and turns to Vitus, and teases seductively* Just got an invite for the both of us to a party at Consul Albucius, of course it looks like Julia will be so in demand tonight she wouldn’t even know you were gone – how about you and I go party hopping…

Vitus leans back in his chair and smiles at her, a twinkle in his eye, knowing she “belongs” to Consul Quintilianus, at least for this night but then relaxes to a tender touch behind his shoulder. He knows that touch so well, the warm lips that kiss the side of his neck and the gentle caress as Julia gently presses her body into his back and weaves her arms loosely on his chest, he raises his hands to take hers and holds Felicita’s gaze and mouths ‘no contest’*

JVLIA: Po, behave, as the song goes “you can’t always get what you want.”

*They all laugh and head off towards the parties*

Narratio resumetur…
To be continued…

©Aquila (Note the Ritual in smaller text and within the borders is free domain, INTERMISSIO [within borders] is © C. Maria Caeca)

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